Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Ep 115 Raymond Brox as recalled by his son Bill Brox

The Birth of Freestyle Skiing at Waterville Valley, NH

Raymond Brox - Rehabilitated the Rope Tow
and built the T-Bars at Snows Mountain

Ep 115 Bill Brox, Raymond Brox as recalled by his son Bill Brox

Bill Brox modestly and humorously suggested that his father's value to the Waterville Valley story was "Without portfolio", specifically, he said that Tom Corcoran "had a pedigree, unlike my father". But the worth of Ray Brox is more accurately measured by the fact that Ralph Bean gave Ray two acres of prime real estate in the center of Waterville Valley to build a ski home in thanks for his contributions at Snow's Mountain. Further, the Beans considered him a close friend for the remainder of their lives. 

Ray began by rehabilitating an old rope tow at Snow's Mountain - actually it WAS the entirety of Snow's ski area. Then he purchased two old T-Bars from a Utah ski area and rebuilt them at Snow's Mountain accessing two newly cut intermediate and expert slopes.

Podcasts produced at Anamaki's Winter Warrior Studios in Bath, NH. Sales of art and merchandise from our galleries help cover the costs of production at Anamaki. They also help us to avoid placing commercials in the podcasts. 

This land lies in N’dakinna, the traditional ancestral homeland of the Abenaki, Sokoki, Koasek, Pemigewasset, Pennacook and Wabanaki Peoples past and present. We acknowledge and honor with gratitude those who have stewarded N’dakinna throughout the generations.

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