Saturday, February 8, 2025

110 The Wong Way: Hall of Fame Freestyle Skier Wayne Wong

Episode 110 

The Wong Way: Hall of Fame Freestyle Skier Wayne Wong

Birth of Freestyle Skiing at Waterville Valley Series

New Hampshire Secrets, Legends & Lore

In the process of preparing to do a podcast series on the birth of freestyle skiing at Waterville Valley I had the opportunity to interview many of my skiing heroes. First on that list was a fellow who was a coach of the Waterville Valley Black and Blue Trail Smashers ski team, of which I was a young member. The great Wayne Wong.

In this podcast interview we take a whirlwind trip through Wayne Wong's amazing career. From the early days when he showed up at Waterville Valley with his skis and a backpack, navigating from Vancouver to Montreal by plane, then to Concord NH by bus (he arrived at 3am in downtown Concord) to Waterville. Wayne would place Third in the very first international freestyle competition, judged by the legendary Jean Claude Killy, triple gold medal olympian. He was 21 years old, his friends and college had sponsored the trip and his entrance fee because they believed in him. . . the rest is history.

The conversation begins with a tribute to JD Nelson, a bright, genuine, and gregarious African American who was first and foremost an avid skier who fell in love with Freestyle. He came to Waterville Valley as a result of his friendship with the Dunfey family. JD - in a turbulent time for an African American man - endured the difficulties of other black Americans but never let it rule his life. He easily developed friendships with both the heirarchy of the Waterville Company as well as the athletes. So it was a natural thing that when the Athletes felt taken advantage of as the sport evolved, they would turn to him and his business savvy to help them protect themselves and develop sponsorships. Later, he would play a critical role in saving Freestyle when it fell into a crisis over injuries - particularly to aerial skiers.

Listen here

Legends of Freestyle Skiing event commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Freestyle Skiing, March 8, 2001. Pictured (left to right), Paul O'Neill, Floyd Wilkie, Wayne Wong, and George Askevold. (Creative Commons image)

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